
Info about a journey with us

Guided Tripping


At our company, the safety and well-being of our clients is of utmost importance in the offering of guided psychedelic experiences. While the benefits of psychedelics can be significant, it is essential to approach these experiences with caution and care. Our team is highly informed in harm reduction techniques and risk management, and we take every precaution to ensure a safe and supportive environment for our clients.

Throughout the experience, we provide a comfortable and secure space that is conducive to relaxation and introspection. We meticulously screen each client to ensure that they are physically and mentally fit enough to participate in the experience, and we offer personalized attention and support throughout the journey.

We also offer guidance on dosage and preparation, as well as ongoing support during and after the experience. Our team is readily available to address any concerns or questions that you may have, and we provide resources for integration and follow-up care to help ensure a positive and lasting impact from the experience.

Sometimes cancelling the trip due to circumstances affecting your mood, emotions or mindset can be the best option to take. 

Before the start of the trip we will check in with you to see if anything might prevent you from getting the best out of the experience.

In summary, safety is our top priority in the provision of guided psychedelic experiences. We take all necessary measures to ensure that our clients have a secure, supportive, and transformative journey that leads to lasting personal growth, empowerment and a joyful experience.

Why would you take psychedelics for personal growth?

Magic truffles have been used for centuries by indigenous cultures for their medicinal and spiritual properties. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the therapeutic potential of psilocybin, particularly for the treatment of depression, anxiety, and addiction. Numerous studies indicate that these substances can bring about life-changing experiences, provided they are taken appropriately and in the right environment.

We offer a safe, preparation, environment and the right conditions to utilize magic truffles as a tool for personal growth and empowerment. We help you get all important factors right: like setting an intention for the journey and feeling supported and guided. Thus, you can safely explore your own subconscious and connect to the world around you in a way your have never experienced before.

Our Process

To get the safest and most effective result from the session, our guided trips consist of a number of steps:

  • Exploration
  • Intake
  • Session
  • Evaluation

To start, we do an online exploration session to get to know each other and talk about the interest in a guided psychedelic session. It is about seeing if we are a fit and talking through the most relevant aspects of the session. We discuss what your intentions and expectations are for the journey. 

If we feel we can offer our services in a safe and positive manner to you, if you feel like we can provide a service to your liking and if there are no contraindications, we will proceed with a full intake. 

This will be a longer session of around an hour where we really go in depth to when and how the place will take place. We will determine the right dosage, the right setting and address all other questions or concerns you might have. Then we plan a date for the session.

The session will begin in the morning and will take around 7 hours. After arrival we will take some time to land and get used to the location. Then the truffles are ingested and it will take about 30-60 minutes for them to start working.

After the session we will have an integration and evaluation session of half an hour. This is a vital part of the experience. A session will yield many feelings and thoughts and talking to someone who guided you through the experience can be very insightful and meaningful.


There is a choice between doing the session in an indoor cosy and comfortable living room space in or around Amsterdam. We have several locations available and it depends on the availability and what kind of experience you would like to have. 

The other option is doing it in a very cosy, warm and cute campervan which we park in a spot with beautiful, serene and secluded nature. Exploring nature during a trip can be amazing! The wind, crackling leaves, singing of birds, or flowing water can all increase the connectedness to nature which can become a very profound part of the session. The man who discovered LSD, Albert Hofmann, was once asked where it was best to take LSD. His answer:  “Always take it in nature.”

When picking the location, your feeling of safety is most important. Ofcourse, all locations we provide are physically very safe but the feeling of safety with each location can differ from person to person. Hence, we will discuss this during the intake so we can help you pick the right option for you. 

How does the session go?

We will explore the location together to get comfortable in it, accustomed to eachother and grounded. After that the ingestion of the psychedelic will take place. 30 to 60 minutes later it will start to take effect. 


We recommend most people to start by laying down comfortably with your eyes shut. This will enhance your internal sensation. After a while you can also choose to walk or look around.

During the trip we will play music for you to enhance your auditive senses.

You can ask us everything, at any time. We will be there for you to support you in any way possible (and appropriate).

Whatever happens, your guide will be there and no matter what happens, we will take care of you.

How to prepare yourself?

What Do You Need To Bring?

What Do We Provide During The Experience?


To be clear, while we will make every effort to ensure a positive experience that extends beyond the session, we cannot be held responsible for any unexpected or negative effects of your psychedelic experience. Additionally, we assume that any medical or personal information provided during the intake process is accurate and that you follow our guidance before, during, and after the session. Should we choose to collaborate, a brief contract will be presented for your signature confirming these terms.

Frequently Asked Questions about Psychedelics

Magic truffles, also known as “psilocybin truffles,” are a type of psychedelic mushroom that contain the psychoactive compound psilocybin. Psilocybin is a naturally occurring substance that is known for its powerful and transformative effects on the mind and body.

When consumed, psilocybin is metabolized into psilocin, which interacts with the serotonin receptors in the brain to produce profound alterations in perception, mood, and consciousness. These effects can include heightened creativity, spiritual experiences, and feelings of connection and empathy.

It’s important to note that psilocybin is a Schedule I controlled substance in many countries, including the United States. As such, it is illegal to possess, distribute, or consume psilocybin-containing mushrooms or truffles in many parts of the world. However, in the Netherlands psilocybin has been decriminalized or legalized for medical or recreational use. You can buy it yourself in Smart or Head shops all around the Netherlands.

We do not provide magic truffles or any other type of drug. Every client has to buy the truffles or other substance themselves. Other types of psychedelics can also be used during a session. However, most alternatives are not sold legally and therefore there is no guarantee of quality. In the Netherlands, it is possible to test your drugs. During our intake we will discuss the options if you want to use another substance than magic truffles.

Yes, we do. However, almost all other psychedelic substances are illegal in the Netherlands. We do not provide truffles nor any other type of substances. Therefore, if you want to do the trip with LSD, for example, you will have to arrange this yourself. Dosage is more difficult since the origin and production of the substances are not controlled by governmental oversight or even a company. There are ways to test drugs legally in the Netherlands to ensure good quality.

Truffles are sold at specific stores called ‘Smartshops’. Here is a website that contains a map of all Smartshops in the Netherlands. There are also smartshops where you can order online.

How much truffles you should take depends on a many factors. Your body weight, sensitivity to mind altering substances, experience with other substances, your emotional and mental state and what kind of experience you are looking for.

During the intake we will discuss this in details so we make the right choice for you.

Attempting to completely stop a psychedelic trip is often not possible, as the substance has already been ingested and is in the individual’s system. However, there are ways to mitigate the effects and make the experience more manageable.

There are some household trip stoppers and specific items for sale that can shorten and lower the intensity of the trip. We will provide them in case they are needed.

Another effective approach is to change the environment and reduce sensory stimulation. We will guide you through this by moving to a quiet and calm room, turning off bright lights, and minimising noise. Deep breathing and relaxation techniques can also help to reduce anxiety and tension. It’s also important to remember that the effects of psychedelics are temporary and will eventually wear off on their own.

No. Psychedelic substances like LSD, psilocybin, and DMT are not considered addictive because they don’t activate the reward pathways in the brain. You won’t typically experience cravings or withdrawal symptoms from these substances. However, frequent use can lead to tolerance and require higher doses to achieve the desired effects, which can increase the risk of negative outcomes.

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How our process works

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